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About Midwife  & Lactation Consultant Liselotte Hill



My name is Liselotte Hill and ever since I was a little girl, "babies", even before being born, always drew my full love, care and attention.

I was 7 when I got a little brother who was like a “real life doll” for me and so, under the watchful eye of my mum, I started developing my so called “nursery skills”. When I was 10, my neighbour announced she was expecting twins; I was thrilled and so looking forward to their arrival. Once home from the hospital, I spend many, happy, voluntary hours in their house “helping out”. A few years later I started babysitting for many families in my village.

No one was surprised when I decided to become a nurse and midwife, but before all this, I worked some time in a creche  where I learned lots about babies and their little ways, which I truly enjoyed very much.


I studied Nursing and Midwifery in Belgium and qualified in the year 2000. Since then I have worked in the many different areas of midwifery in Belgium and in Ireland.

Later, I became a Baby Massage Instructor and I have been teaching the wonderful art of Baby Massage since qualifying as a Certified Infant Massage Instructor (CIMI) with Baby Massage Ireland in 2006.

In 2012 I also trained and qualified as a Lactation Consultant IBCLC: International Board Certified Lactation Consultant.


My first “Little Miracle” arrived in 2007, soon followed by my “Little Miracle number two” in 2009 and "three" in 2012.


After having experienced the amazing journey through pregnancy, birth and motherhood both personally and professionally, I gathered the confidence and experience to set up my own company called… “Little Miracles”!


"Little Miracles" offers you: Antenatal Classes, Lactation Consultations, Baby Massage, Postnatal Home Visits and maternity night care.


In 2024 I joined the wonderful team of Private Midwives Ireland so that I can also provide a full spectrum of holistic midwifery services including homebirth.


Seen as I offer classes, services and support from pregnancy to birth and beyond, my aim is to be more than a Midwife, Antenatal Teacher, Lactation Consultant or Baby Massage Instructor, but also to be a “mother and baby coach” helping you and your family along the sometimes very difficult, tiring and confusing but very rewarding path of parenting.


Do not hesitate to call or e-mail me if I can be of any help for you or your family.



Liselotte Hill

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