A service very welcomed by:
families with newborn twins, triplets (or more!)
mothers coming home early from hospital to avail of the quiet and comfortable surroundings of their own home, but with the back-up of a midwife onboard!
mothers in need of more quality sleep due to postnatal depression or other medical conditions
anyone looking for a bit more sleep and / or professional postnatal support

If you are breastfeeding, I will make up a plan with you that will support and protect your breastfeeding journey while also providing you with some well needed rest while I mind and settle your baby in between feeds.
Depending on the situation and the age of the baby, I can feed your baby with expressed breastmilk, or formula milk, or bring your baby to you for breastfeeding. After the feeding, I will settle your baby and let you go back to sleep. For breastfeeding mothers, it is recommended to expresses or breastfeed at least once during the night in order to keep up with the milk production and to prevent mastitis.
I do not provide a "sleep training service"!
But, if needed, I can help you find a way of settling your baby that works best for you and your family and / or refer you to a trusted baby sleep consultant.
Generally, night care starts at 22.00h and finishes at 07.00 but times can be arranged to suit you.
On the first night, I will arrive15 min. earlier, at no extra cost, so we can chat and get to know each other, find out where things are and see how I can help you best.
Due to high demand, and in view of my work commitments to my homebirth clients, I will not be able to accommodate all enquiries but I have a list of trusted Midwives and Maternity Nurses who I can refer to when needed. Together we do our best to help you out as best as possible.
My night care service covers Co. Dublin, Co. Wicklow and some parts
Co. Kildare
Night Care Costs
Costs vary from €220- €250 depending times and location.
a €10 discount is available on the first 3 nights to people who attended my antenatal classes
I do not charge extra for twins!
Book Your Maternity Night Care:
Call or e-mail Liselotte for more information or fill in a booking enquiry form via link below. Booking confirmations by phone call only!
M: 0876457489 E: info@little-miracles.ie