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My Midwife, My Coach!

Writer's picture: Midwife Liselotte Midwife Liselotte

I have started this year by reviewing the way I provide my antenatal classes and other aspects of my business and decided to give it all completely unique twist.

After listening to the stories of many families who I've worked with over the past few years, I have come to the conclusion that there is a need for a different, more holistic and continuous approach of antenatal & postnatal care, support and education.

Most people choose to give birth in a hospital under either the private, semi-private or public maternity care system, or the community midwifery care scheme provided by some of the maternity hospitals. People make these choices based on what's available to them in their area, their financial situation, their medical history and from being influenced by their peers, family & social backgrounds.

Whatever option they choose, it usually means that they will meet several maternity care providers, all for different services and at different stages. Depending on their choice, they will have more or less continuity of care along their way.

For example:

-People who chose to have their pregnancy followed up by a private obstetric consultant will usually meet this person for all their antenatal and postnatal appointments and he or she will aim to be there for the birth of their baby. Even tough they see the same person for all their visits, these consultations are relatively short and a consultant is most likely not available to take unexpected calls to answer additional questions, to visit you at home or look after you outside the regular care and appointments (except in case of a medical emergency)

-People who chose to go with the public system in the hospital will most likely meet a different midwife and / or doctor for every visit.

Don't get me wrong, I am not talking about the quality of care, everyone in the maternity care sector is working really hard to provide you with the best care and attention needed.

What's lacking is the continuous care and support aspect, a familiar face and voice on your side from start to finish, or to be there for you whenever needed.

More and more families choose to have their baby at home with a self-employed community midwife or a private midwife. This is partly driven by the Corona Virus pandemic, as it reduces the potential exposure to the virus, and it avoids the fact that the family will need to be separated while mother and baby are in hospital.

These midwives provide excellent care and support to the families they work with and at the same time they will be there for you "from start to finish", they are usually available for extra calls, will also provide you with your antenatal education, postnatal care and support all tailored to your own specific needs whenever needed. You will meet the same midwife for all your antenatal visits, the birth of your baby and your postnatal care.

However, homebith, all be it a great alternative for a healthy mother with a healthy pregnancy, it will not be an option for everyone or it might not be your choice.

So, here it comes... this is the gap that I would like to fill up for you:

Soon I will be announcing my new family support packages, designed to be along your side from start to finish as our your "maternity coach". These "start" and "finish" points can be anywhere along your journey from the moment you found out you're pregnant till your baby reaches 3 months of age (or beyond if you wish and If I have availability)

The family support packages will include all the antenatal and postnatal support, guidance, and education that you may need. In addition to whatever maternity care option you chose to follow, you can sign up with me to be your anchor, your "Maternity Coach". I will provide you with home visits and / or ZOOM calls as much or as little you feel needed. I will provide you with all the antenatal and postnatal education that you need in order to live a healthy pregnancy, prepare for the birth of your baby and help you throughout the early days and weeks with your newborn baby.

The level of care and support that you will get from me will depend on your own specific needs, and could always change along the way.

Note: I will not be looking after any of your regular medical care, this will need to be provided by the maternity care provider of your choice. However, I could provide you with some additional check-up or discuss any queries or concerns you may have in view of your pregnancy, newborn baby or postnatal recovery.

Maybe you haven't decided yet what maternity care option would be best suited for you (private or public? Home or hospital?) no problem, I can explain and discuss all the options with you to help you decide.

I am aware that not everyone is in need of extensive care and support packages. Maybe you are only finding out about this service when you are already well along your journey or maybe your are happy with the level of care and support you are getting and you are only looking for the antenatal education or postnatal support... no problem, all packages, classes and services can be tailored to your own specific needs.

I am also aware that people chose to do antenatal group classes in order to meet and chat to other expectant parents, which is of course a really important aspect, I always love and encourage the peer - to -peer support between parents and parents - to - be.

In vieuw of this, I will continue with my monthly "meet the midwife coffee mornings" and online support groups.

Please keep an eye on my website where my Maternity Coaching packages will be presented and available for booking very soon!

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